Mom Life Balance: 3 Grounding Practices Every Supermom Needs!

Nov 13, 2023

Mamas, I understand life gets crazy and unpredictable daily. As a Mama of 4 kids 6 and under + Health Coach I am sharing with you FOUR practices that help ground me even amongst the most chaotic moments. 

SPACE - when I could I walked away to a place that is close albeit the other room, the pantry or just some where I could take a breath and be away from the chaos for a few seconds. 

BREATHE - breath work is my golden and favorite tool when I cannot seem to get back to myself. My favorite breath work includes a longer exhale, which stimulates the parasympathetic system. I’ve included a video below demonstrating this approach.  

MUSIC - playing my favorite and happy song - Know Who You Are by Pharrell William & Alicia Keys! For centuries, music and sound have been tools to raise energy and vibration.  

DANCE - this one took me some time to get to, but once I started to move my body I was able to release the tension and overwhelm out. Similar to how animals innately shake their bodies during stressful situations, it is works for us humans too! Moving the body helps release negative energy out.  

I invite you to try these tools to bring yourself back to CENTER and through the overwhelm.  


Wanting to understand more ways to support your nervous system, energy source & how to feel good in your body? Dive deeper into your menstrual cycle 🩸 Your innate source of energy and driver of your fluctuating moods. 


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